
Gabion Weights & Italics Gabion Weights & Italics rotor Rotation Afrikola Italics Afrikola Weights Integra Weights & Italics Integra Weights


Library of font filters
2023, Sep 20th
Front-End development, Next.js
for RoboFont and a tool for command line
2020, Nov 9th
Workshop at Scholastika
lecture and workshop on variable fonts and type
2020, Nov 12th
This website
uses Python to generate static website
2018, Jun 27th
TT Hinting in VTT
as output and learning path of my final bachelor project


2021 – now HelloMe, Berlin
Full-time employement as a designer, typeface designer, and web developer.
2019 – 2021 Freelancing
Worked as a freelancer doing font production, superiortype.com , displaay.net
2019 – 2020 Type and Media, KABK, The Hague
A great year of studying type and programming. My final project was typeface called Gabion, it is output of a path of searching and discovering possibilities of type family planning.
2018 – 2019 Czechitas
Assitant during classes of programming, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Java & Python
2019, 2 months Internship at LucasFonts
I was involved in designing pictograms for a german company, production of variable fonts and producing multiple websites that served as icon finder, font presentation & font tester.
2018, 3 months Internship at LucasFonts
Helping with production of a typeface for a car brand and redesigning typeface for a german newspaper.
2017, 6 months Erasmus at KADK, Copenhagen
During this exchange I learnt a lot about foreign culture, people and beautiful language - Danish.
2015 – 2019 Type at UMPRUM, Prague
4 years of studying type, typography and graphic design